Maryann Ford | | Online unless it can happen all in one week and then I'll come down to D.C. for it for a week
| - HTML & CSS -how to create and style basic web pages
- Real Coding- Python & Django
- App Development
| | | |
Maryann Ford | - During the school day (9-3)
- Weekday Evenings
- Weekend Days
- Online/Flexible
- I really want Summer Camp
| I can probably make anything work!
| - Real Coding- Python & Django
- App Development
| | | |
Lynn Chia | - Weekday Evenings
- Weekend Days
| | - HTML & CSS -how to create and style basic web pages
- Setting up a Website from the Backend: Servers, Domain Names, FTP and linking it together
- WordPress Basics - how to create a WordPress site and set up a basic blog.
- E-commerce with WordPress
| Really just want to understand basics of how websites come together so I can be more conversant if hiring developers, understand what's possible, who does what, and understand the level of effort required to do those things.
| - Not sure when - just keep me in the loop of classes happening.
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Jennifer Frink | - During the school day (9-3)
| | - HTML & CSS -how to create and style basic web pages
| how to use HTML and CSS to customize WordPress and SquareSpace templates
| | |
Alexandra Tsiros | - Weekend Days
- Online/Flexible
| | - HTML & CSS -how to create and style basic web pages
- Real Coding- Python & Django
- App Development
| | - Not sure when - just keep me in the loop of classes happening.
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